Wednesday, May 12, 2010


8. We really love the sweet and funny comments made by my students! I rarely come home without at least one funny story to tell from the day! Kindergartners have oh-so-much to say!

~ I was talking to the kids about how much we have learned this year in Kindergarten. I asked them to think back to August when they met me for the very first time at "Meet Your Teacher Night." One little girl raised her hand and said, "Yeah, I was really surprised when I saw you that night because I thought you was gonna’ be a black teacher!"

~We are studying ocean life in science for the next two weeks. Last Wednesday, we learned all about the octopus. I was sharing with the kids some neat facts about octopuses, one of which is that they change colors. A little girl raised her hand and said, "Mrs. Mitchell, do you know a lot of people think Michael Jackson changed colors?!" Hilarious!

~This year two of my professional goals are to be better at assessing my student’s prior knowledge of topics before we begin a lesson or unit and to be better at helping them make real world connections to everything we are learning. Today, I was elated when one of my students told me at lunch…”Mrs. Mitchell, I have a real world connection! We learned that an octopus sleeps during the day and is awake at night. That is just like your husband, Jon! He sleeps during the day and works at night!” Awesome and so cute!

~ When Ansley came to visit me at school the other day one of my students asked me, "Why does Ansley have blonde skin?" Ha!

Ahh, out of the mouths of babes!


The Chiaramontes said...

Those were hilarious and cute! Today we had an interesting discussion in of my students asked me, "What is diarrhea?" The whole class started laughing and I tried REALLY hard to stay serious. The boy actually did NOT know what it was until after I explained it!!

The Greenfields said...

these are really funny comments! your students are hilarious. you need to keep these things coming throughout the year. i will never forget the story of the man who was gonna bring christmas!!
and oh my goodness to alisha's comment. yuck!