Tuesday, May 4, 2010


2. Another one of our family favs is E-mealz! Who wouldn't love a menu for the week that is already made for you with a complete listing of the grocery items (by section in the store) that you will need to cook each night's meals?! We have been using it since about February and so far we have enjoyed it for the most part. Some of the meals are better than others and we haven't had a repeat yet...gotta love variety! One week, I bought an entire week of dinner menu items for our family for $30! Dave Ramsey highly recommends it to save money. If I can tell we won't like the meal just by reading the ingredients, I will replace it with a family favorite. Also, for example, if I see an easy meal on Thursday night and I know looking at our week we are going to have a very busy Monday...I simply switch meals. I love that there is usually a crock-pot meal and an "easy" meal (which usually taken under 30 minutes). It's even Ansley approved :) Check it out by clicking on the link on the sidebar of our blog...

1 comment:

The Hairstons said...

I have heard lots of good stuff about this. I think I may have to try it out :)