Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book Character Dress Up Day

hot pink sunglasses+
pink tights+



necklaces and bracelets+
official fancy nancy name tag+

girly shoes+


fancy nancy...a.ka. fancy ansley
sitting on her throne...

in case you're's just me under this glittery girly getup

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toddler Table

Ansley currently has a fascination with little tables and chairs. While on our way to GA recently, we stopped at the Georgia Welcome Center, and she went right in, sat down at this little Cabbage Patch Kids table and started coloring like she owned the place! I LOVE this me she actually looks like a CPK!

Jon and I are wanting to get her a little table where she can sit to color and do crafts. I would love suggestions on where to find table/chair sets that aren't too pricey. Does anyone know where I might find one that is a dark espresso color so it would match her nursery?


Fast forward to the year 2027...I don't know if my mind (or heart) can go there just yet. It's a year I've thought about momentarily but honestly over the next 17 years it will be a year I will plan towards, set goals in light of, save money for, and I am sure sometimes wish would come sooner or later (depending on how the day is going)! It's the year our baby girl, Ansley, will graduate from high school and begin to live life on her own. What will the world be like in 2027? I've always heard the saying that from the time a child is born, each day following their birth is a day that you are preparing them and moving them one step closer to the day they will leave you. It's a bittersweet truth. I don't know what made me all of a sudden think to calculate what year my daughter will graduate but it makes each day between now and May 2027 seem a little more important. Although the days sometimes pass slowly, I am already realizing that the years pass by all too quickly. Lord, help me cherish life, train well, love deeply, forgive much and pray without ceasing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Pictures

Howdy folks, here I am at Old Baker's Farm...

It was the Cotton Pickin' Festival so I got to jump in cotton!


Me and Mommy on the hayride...

Our two pumpkins picked straight from the vine...

I loved seeing all the animals in the barn...

I even tackled a hay maze...

Farmer Ans on the way home...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Field Trip

Ansley and I are headed to Old Baker Farm tomorrow for the Cotton Pickin' Celebration! I don't think it can get any more southern or fun than this fall festival...hay mazes, food, music, pumpkin patch, cotton fields, corn mazes and more! I thought I would share this festival with all you Birmingham moms out there who might be looking for a fun way to spend your Saturday! Pictures to come...

Toothpaste Tidbit

If you are looking for an all natural toothpaste that does not contain fluoride (which I've learned can be dangerous for young children), I highly recommend Sunshine Brite Toothpaste. My mother-in-law ordered some for Ansley online at and she loves it! I know this sounds like an advertisement but I just had to share because ever since we started using it (as opposed to just water like her pediatric dentist recommended), Ansley asks to brush her teeth and actually enjoys it, her breath smells 100% better, and I like the fact that it is safe for toddlers and has no artificial flavors, sweeteners or colors.

In doubt? He was, is and always will be God!

I love reading through the One Year Bible and this year I am using the Message. I came upon this verse today and it brought a smile to my face...I hope it encourages you and reminds you how GREAT our God is! Psalm 90:2 says "from "once upon a time" to "kingdom come"—you are God!" I love it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today's Verse

1 Timothy 6:18-19 charges us to "Do good, be rich in good deeds, and be generous and willing to share. In this way you will lay up treasure for yourselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that you may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Have you taken hold of the life that is truly life? I needed this good reminder today!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taking Care of Yourself

A mentor/counselor that often comes to our school to provide professional development to teachers gave us a "taking care of self" assessment last year. After rating how we were doing on each one, we had to select three that we would "work on" over the next several months. After trying mono-tasking on Wednesday evening, I was reminded of the critical need to take care of myself. See how well you are doing...
1. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
2. Exercise for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week
3. Learn to love and accept yourself as you are
4. Have a quiet time each day
5. Slow down, step back and assess your life. Have you done this in the last month?
*6. Start practicing "letting go" more and "holding on" less
7. Choose to use an open hand approach to life rather than a closed fist approach
8. Be less controlling of others and of situations. Accept more.
9. Slow down your breathing
10. Choose to trust, accept and act
11. Treat yourself to a massage
12. Don't do the same thing over and over, expecting new results. Try a new approach
*13. Be where you are and present with what you are doing, instead of wishing you were somewhere else or doing something else
14. Do something that you enjoy everyday
15. Be aware of those with whom you spend time
16. Set priorities and manage your time better
17. Learn to say "no" more often
18. Figure out what is important for this moment and do it
*19. Learn that more is not always better
20. Accept more and resist less

I put a * by my top three to work on. Which ones would you choose to work on?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Art of Monotasking

My friend and relative at Cherishing Life blog gave her readers a special challenge last week...mono-tasking. She invited readers to try to take a day or even part of a day and find a way to do one thing at a time vs. 3-4 things at a time. For women (especially mothers) this seems like a daunting quest!

I decided to try my hand at mono-tasking last Wednesday and I will just go ahead and admit that it was H.A.R.D. I was too scared to commit to an entire day so I determinded ahead of time that once I got home on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 I would only do one thing at a time until I went to bed that night. It meant not clipping coupons and reading mail while cooking dinner, not watching television while folding laundry after Ansley went to bed, and not reading my newest arrival, Southern Living, while watching Ansley play in the backyard. On a typical evening, you might find me cooking dinner, running a load of laundry, unloading the dishwasher, watching Ansley play and listening to Jon tell me about his day before he heads off to work...ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I must admit I am a good multi-tasker and I find a strange sort of accomplishment in the fact that I can do so much in a little amount of time. I am sure most mothers feel this way :)

However, in those few short hours on Wednesday, I learned that when life slows down, living steps up. The quality of my "living" was accuntuated when I "gave up" to "gain more". I need to mono-task more often. I can't say I am ready or even willing to give up multi-tasking (honestly I don't see how a wife, mother, homemaker, and teacher can ever fully mono-task), I do see the reward in it and it has made me slow down, step back and assess my life. It's made me realize I have got to do a better job at taking care of myself. What about you? Do you take care of yourself? In my next post, I will share some self-assessment questions that a mentor/counselor asked me a few years ago that will hopefully challenge you (and me) to take better care of ourselves so we can be all we need to be for those we serve!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This morning, I was challenged as I was reading God's word. It is vital that I respect those in authority over me. It's something I often need to be reminded of. Today, I will seek to honor those who are over me in my country, my community, my church, my workplace and my home. What if we all gave the honor and respect that was due to our leaders?

1 Thessalonians 5:12 says, "Respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Verse

I have been praying and searching for a verse that would be fitting for my role as a mommy and teacher. This morning, God showed me an awesome Word in Psalm 78:72!

"Karen shepherded Ansley and her students with integrity of heart; with skillful hands she led them."

I think this is a very fitting verse in my ministry in the home and in the workplace. I hope it serves as an encouragement to all you moms as well!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

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Sunday, September 26, 2010


My friend Leslie at Cherishing Life tagged me in a meme. I just found out that a "meme" is a post about me. Well, here it goes...

What would your dream job be?
If you know me well, you know I love being a teacher, wife and mommy! These three things have always been my dreams! I am guessing this question is only referring to the workplace so I think my "dream job" would be either a college professor teaching early childhood education classes, a classroom organization specialist (I just made this name up...but someone who goes into classrooms and helps teachers organize their space, materials and management in a way that helps them be stronger teachers and helps their students be more successful), or a Ob/Gyn so I could help bring babies into the world!

Where would you like to live?
Well, I love my friends and family here in Alabama and it has definitely grown on me over the past six years. However, I would love to one day return to and live in the Northeast Georgia mountains to be near my family and enjoy the beauty of that area! I loved growing up there!

In what century would you like to live?
Okay, so the 21st century is not bad. However, sometimes I dream of living in the late 19th century (think Little House on the Prarie)! Life was simple, families were tight knit, and faith and hard work were valued!

What would be your last meal?

This is a given...Mexican! Chips, salsa, guacamole, cheese dip, bean dip, quesadillas, fajitas, all of it!

What made you start a blog?
That's a GOOD question! I'm actually asking myself "What makes you keep your blog going?" I actually started a blog before Ansley was born with the hopes that the adventures of our family (which was about to grow from two to three) could be shared with our parents (who didn't have Facebook) and anyone else who wanted to read my ramblings. However, I have recently thought seriously about canceling my blog. I feel like most blogs (including my own) have become "brags". Who else really needs to read what my 17 month old eats or where and how we spend our weekends, etc.? After hearing a recent message on boasting, I am just trying to think through it all. I've learned that boasting is verbalized pride. It is commending yourself, bragging to others of your accomplishments, etc. However, all that actually matters is what God thinks of us, not what others think. So, although I don't blog a lot, I am wondering if blogging is the right avenue for me. Could I find a better way to share what I am learning about life, being a wife, mother and teacher with those closest to me? Could I journal my thoughts privately in a notebook and share them with those who need advice or counsel? Could I go to my friends for advice instead of putting it out there for everyone? Could I document Ansley's development just in her journal? Just some thoughts I am processing...

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

I love fall boots! I can't wait to pull them out. It is still so hot here in Alabama! I can't wait to see your new ones, Leslie. I love to wear them with jeans and dresses!

What's your favorite film?
I love a good classic, such as, To Kill a Mockingbird. I also get really excited about Christmas movies (Home Alone, Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life)!

What would you like to do before you turn 100?
I would love to know that I had fulfilled my God-given purpose here on Earth. I would love to lead children (my own and others) to Christ. I would like to visit the Holy Land. I would love to have grandchildren. I would love to celebrate 60+ anniversaries with Jon. I would love to have former students contact me to tell me that I had made a small difference in their lives.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Ahh, it's that time of year again! Kindergarten has begun and I am once again reminded of how much I love the cuteness of barely five year olds, the smell of new crayons and freshly sharpened pencils, and the squeals of delight as kiddos discover the joy of "big" school for the first time!

I haven't blogged in a while and this is the very reason's the first few weeks of Kindergarten! If you've never taught Kindergarten before, you may not know some of the joys and yes frustrations that come with training Kindergarten students the first few weeks of school. It is all about strategy, patience, planning
and modeling how to do every single procedure and routine you expect to occur in your classroom on a daily basis. Harry Wong says, "In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how."

After six years of teaching, I have to find humor in the fact that the first two weeks of school are always the same! I am continually amazed to discover (each year) the things that some five year olds still have not been trained to know how to do before coming to school. So, this year I developed a list of the top 20 things a child should be able to do BEFORE coming to Kindergarten. Have a laugh :) Here they are in no particular order...
1. Wipe your own bottom
2. Blow your own nose
3. Open a carton of milk
4. Put a straw in a Capri Sun
5. Answer a question when called on
6. Tie your shoes
7. Button and zip your pants
8. Clean up your own mess/trash
9. Sit in a chair on your bottom
10. Stay in your seat
11. Walk in a line
12. Raise your hand
13. Pack/unpack your backpack
14. Write your name
15. Sit "criss cross"
16. Know your name and come when called
17. Open ketchup and mustard packets at lunch
18. Open a bag of chips at lunch
19. Wash and dry your hands
20. Cover your cough

I'm not only Mrs. Mitchell these first few weeks I am "Momma" Mitchell as well :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

15 Month Stats

Ansley had her 15 month checkup today. Here are the stats...
Weight: 22 lbs. 8 oz. (50%)
Height: 33 inches (97%)
Head: 18 cm. (35%)

We are so thankful for a healthy little girl. She showed off all her tricks to Dr. Barron, stood by the door and kept saying "bye bye" while he and I were talking, kept calling all of his medical instruments "balls", squealed with delight at herself in the full length mirror and of course hated every minute of having to be cooped up in the exam room! Ha! "Well baby" checkups are often taken for granted and we are so blessed that all is well!

15 Month Scrapbook

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Excerpts from Ch. 3-Nuggets of Wisdom

*Please read my former posts beginning with, Insights from a novice, before reading this post. All quotes are taken from the book, Launching Your Kids For Life, by Reccord.*

I loved so many things from this if I can only make sure our family applies them!
The "nuggets" are in summary:
1.Find a mentor.
2.Be a parent, not your child's friend.
3.Develop a structured method of praying for your child.
4.Model good behavior for your children.
5.Plug into a strong community of faith.

I was challenged by these "nuggets". I feel like I do some well and some I frankly don't do well at all.

First, I have really felt a tug at my heart this year to find a mentor. I feel like I am being led to someone who has already gone through parenthood who can share with me her richest wisdom. I would love to find a couple whose dual mentoring in parenting would be something that Jon and I could both benefit from!

Second, I love what Allan Taylor says, "God doesn't need you to be your child's best friend. Today on earth there are 6.4 billion people who can be your child's friend. But only one person can be their mama, and only one person can be their daddy. Above everything else, you need to be the adult God wants you to be for that child. Because ultimately, God didn't give children to schools or even to churches. He gave them to parents."

Third, Jon and I have seen God move mightly in our lives and family through prayer. We want our home to be a place of prayer. I want our children to know that we pray for them. We join Ansley together every night to pray with her even if it has to be one of us on the phone if we are away for some reason. Now, at 15 months, she will say "amen" when we finish praying with her. I love it. I pray with her but I want to do a better job praying for her in my time alone. I want to order the book, "The Power of a Praying Parent" and take an action step in that direction.

Fourth, I know I could always model better behavior. I think since actions resonate more with children than words this will be very important as our children witness our lives through their little eyes. I am an old fashioned girl in many ways and I want our kids to value manners when our society doesn't and appreciate the simplicity of life.

Finally, Allan Taylor says it best when it comes to plugging into a strong community of faith. "Make sure your children are in God's house. Make sure your kids see you with a Bible in your hand. Make sure they see you on your knees before God. Make sure they see you put your offering in the plate. Make sure they see you singing praises and hymns. It's one thing for us to take our kids to church; it's another thing for them to see us worship at church. And, most of all, make sure you get the Word of God into the hearts of your children. Just as we tenderize a steak, His Word tenderizes the hearts of our children."

Is anyone else challenged?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stepping Into 15 Months...

Happy 15 Months, Ansley! This month has been filled with lots of fun in the sun and new adventures. We have definitely been on the go this month, and like your Mommy, you've enjoyed every minute of it! You enjoyed your first trip to the beach June 26-July 2. You loved the sand, ocean, pool, water park and lazy river ride. We caught you chillin' by the pool just long enough to snap a quick picture...

We were so blessed to get to spend an entire week together at the beach with our family. You love hanging out with Papa, Mimi, Uncle D, Aunt Ri and Jack. They spoil you rotten!
While we were at the beach, Mimi taught you to push your nose while saying "beep beep". You continue to learn new words everyday. This month you learned 15 new words: shoe, two, boo-boo, hot, cheese, up, down, puffs, pee pee, eat, box, nose, belly button, and beep-beep! You can now point to your nose, ears, hair, and belly button when we ask you to. Mimi has the best success helping you learn new words. She is a good teacher! Here you are with our family at the beach...

This month, Aunt Ri and Jack came to visit and keep you while Mommy and Daddy had to work one week. Aunt Ri introduced you to your very own kiddie pool for the first time. She taught you to clean up your toys by putting them in the basket all by yourself. Aunt Ri also taught you to throw your arms up in the air when we say "Whoo whoo"'s hilarious! I think you are Aunt Ri's favorite girl in the whole world. Now, if you could just learn to say her name!

This month, you moved up in the got a big girl convertible car seat! We still have you facing backwards but you love the extra space, arm rests and cup holder! We enjoyed several "field trips" together this month as we ventured to the children's museum, the pet store, Unicoi Springs, the splash pad and the local fireworks celebration. This was your second time seeing fireworks and you sat in my lap and folded your arms behind your head and watched in amazement!

This month you fell in love with BBQ and pizza!

Ans, you play so hard during the day and sleep so well at night. This month, due to travel and less structure. you haven't taken your naps very well but you sure make up for it at night sometimes sleeping from around 8 p.m. until 9 a.m. Mommy really likes sleeping in with you during the summer!

Ansley, you have turned from a little baby into a precious girl. You have learned to obey and listen to Mommy and Daddy better this month. You love to play outside and dislike it when we stay home all day. You just stand at the door and jingle the door knob with your chubby little hand. Mommy loves to see you...fold your arms across your chest, sleep, read your books, and wave to people and blow them kisses everywhere we go. Daddy loves it when you give him hugs and kisses and when you find pictures of him around the house and say "Daddy". We think it's so funny when we ask you how old you are going to be and you hold up one finger and say "two". We also think it's cute when you sit on the potty and go pee pee in the potty and say "pee pee" before your bath. You are a ham and we love you oh so much!

Excerpts from Ch. 2-Triumph and Tragedy

*Please read my former posts beginning with, Insights from a novice, before reading this post. All quotes are taken from the book, Launching Your Kids For Life, by Reccord.*

"When our children leave us and "fly" on their own, we want them to experience triumph not tragedy. We've come up with a list of eight principals to apply to your parenting. We believe that if you teach these to your children in those first eighteen years they are at home in your care, they will have a foundation on which to follow their lives' mission.

Our principals...
1. God prepared a unique plan and calling for your life even before you were born.
2. God calls you to a life-changing relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
3. God calls you to partner with Him in a mission that is bigger than you are.
4. God calls you to be on mission with Him right where you are-starting now.
5. God reveals His mission through His Word, His Spirit, wise counsel, and His work in circumstances around you.
6. God will repeatedly bring you to crossroads of choice as He forges you for His mission.
7. God guides you and provides for your mission one step at a time.
8. When you answer God's call, you will experience His pleasure and change your world."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Excerpts from Ch. 1-Imagine

*Please read my former posts beginning with, Insights from a novice, before reading this post. All quotes are taken from the book, Launching Your Kids For Life, by Reccord.*

Imagine you aren't someone who has read this book (this may not be hard to do because you likely haven't if you are reading these excerpts!) but someone who has been affected by this book. If you peaked into their life and saw how they are seeking to instill the value of living an "on mission" lifestyle with their children here are some things you might take note of...

-The family talks about God out matter who is in their home.
-When the family have guests in their home, they talk about God as if He's a party if He's someone they know.
-The kids talk about God and about talking to talking to you!
-The family has "intentionally and deliberately taught their kids to put God first and to demonstrate to others that this is how they live."
-The family finds ways to weave living "on mission" into their day-to-day lives.
-Whenever they have guests in their home, they think about what they can use to tell the gospel that fits in with a party atmosphere and what people they need to make sure are invited so they can hear it!

Personally, I want to raise our children to be so comfortable with their faith that they can articulate it to family members, to our co-workers whom we hang out with, to kids at school or to our next door neighbors.

What does it take?
1. A special effort
2. A plan put into action
3. Specific ideas (that are in the book, LYKFL)

Next post, excerpts from Ch.2, "Triumph and Tragedy" by Reccord


*Please read my post, Insights from a novice, before reading this post.*

"The fact is our job as parents is literally to work ourselves out of a job. You see it really is inevitable. Our children actually do grow up and leave our nests. So the question is not Will they leave home? but How prepared will they be when they leave home?

"Most parenting books focus on how to give our children roots but this book will focus on giving them the blessing of wings!"

Next post, excerpts from Ch. 1 "Ways To Prepare For A Successful Launch: Imagine" by Reccord

Insights from a novice...

Proverbs 18:15 says, "Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights."I have been reading (and rereading), Launching Your Kids For Life by Bob and Cheryl Reccord.

I have come to discover that although we as parents long to be wise men and women who are always learning, listening, and discovering fresh insights, as stated in the verse above, realistically after consulting the Word and the Lord in prayer, gaining wisdom from mentors and actually parenting there is realistically little time leftover to read everything out there! In thinking this over, I know I love to hear quotes, ideas and tips from books my fellow mommy friends have read so therefore I thought I would return the favor. After reading this book, my highlighter is empty and my heart and mind are full. I long to raise our children to be on mission for God and I am sure you do as well. Instead of compete, like it seems so many parents try to do these days, why not compliment? In an effort to do that, I will share several short posts or sometimes maybe even one quote that is a rich parenting nugget. Remember, I am a novice at parenting but the parents in this book have been through the troubles and triumphs of parenting and have come out on the other side with children who are succeeding in their mission and loving their parents in return for setting them free. Learn along with me...