Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Around The World

I loved having the kids participate in "Christmas Around The World" again this year at school. The students learn how other countries celebrate the season. We looked at these Christmas trees from around the world. I thought they were so pretty I would post them on here! I might even steal some ideas from these pictures for our own Christmas tree next year! Ha!

The Capitol Christmas tree in Washington, D.C., is decorated with 3,000 ornaments that are made by U.S. schoolchildren.

The world's largest Christmas tree display is in Italy. It is composed of about 500 lights connected by 40,000 feet of wire!

Christmas in Tokyo.

Christmas in Czech Republic.

Venice is home to the tallest glass tree in the world!

Christmas in Moscow.

The largest Christmas tree in Europe.

Christmas in Germany.

Christmas in Paris...this department store draws more visitors than the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower!

Christmas in Rome.

Christmas in Madrid.

Christmas in London.

Christmas in Frankfurt.


The Chiaramontes said...

Those are pretty pictures!! The kindergarten classes at our school do the same thing. They love learning about Christmases all around the world. My class is about to go down to our kindergarten book buddies right now and have a special Christmas treat. We love our kindergarteners!!

alexis said...

i especially love the glass tree in venice - that's so cool and i've never seen that before. thanks for sharing!
i love the the kindergartners do this. what a fun idea and a neat way for them to learn about christmas in other countries. :)