Monday, February 9, 2009

"Showered With Love" from my co-workers!

It is rare for a person to love going to work everyday. It is unique for a person to have coworkers that are like family. It is a privilege to work with people whom you can share the fun of teaching with and at the same time share life with. I am one who is blessed to work among such women. We enjoy a passion for teaching, children, and changing lives while at the same time on a personal level we enjoy talking about marriage, celebrating the births of our children, giving each other advice, going out for girls nights, and sharing the joys and struggles of teaching :)

Today, I was showered with love from my sweet co-workers. I also shared a shower with my great friend at school who is expecting twin girls in June! We both teach kindergarten and our 10 other kindergarten teacher friends hosted the shower for us. They did a beautiful job decorating the library and after school we enjoyed some yummy food and had fun opening lots of little girl gifts!! We both were wanting to purchase car seats and strollers (travel systems) for our little girls from Babies R Us and we were both blessed to receive many gift cards to be able to make such a big purchase! I also received some adorable gifts: onesies, monogrammed bib/paci clip/blanket/burp cloth, hats, gowns, bath products, handmade bracelet for Ansley, and many other cute things!

On a side note, ever since I've been pregnant both friends and strangers ask me the all familiar questions...."When are you due?" "Is it a boy or girl?" "How are you feeling?" and then comes the kicker..."So, are you going back to work after she is born?"I can almost sense the hesitation in their voice as they ask it. When I tell them "Yes, I will be going back in August when she is about four and half months old," it's interesting because it is more often than not met with a look of disapproval or as if this choice is "second best." Jon and I have made the decision that is best for our family, our vision, and our daughter. Yes, it will be hard at times to leave her but at the same time it would be just as hard and costly to ignore the calling I have to both minister inside and outside of our home. I am choosing to live out my mission and our family mission of "giving life by serving, loving, and impacting the next generation to influence the world for Christ Jesus." In this way, I will impact both my students lives AND Jon and Ansley's lives. Some people have even asked me, "So, why do you choose to minister in the workplace?" and this is why...Paul tells the Thessalonians that anyone who has an ability to work should do so (where the work happens does not matter to God...all "jobs" are matter if you work in an office, on Wall Street, in a hospital, a mission field, a home, etc.). It is God's mandate for every believer and is the place where we can best express the nature of God in everyday life. My work allows me to demonstrate integrity. My work allows me to provide for my family and others in need. My work allows me to often connect with non-believers. My work allows me to live out His calling upon my life. My work allows me to experience His power in the midst of daily challenges. My work can be a place of worship when I do it with a motive to glorify Him. My primary call is to know Jesus and serve Him. My secondary call is to influence the fields of family and education for His glory! Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the privilege of working everyday with my co-workers. Thank you all for your generosity today! I pray I'm as much of a blessing to you all as you are to me!


annieck said...

What a beautiful post! SO well stated. I love that you stated your mission and that there is not one superior calling. Bravo, my sweet friend! :) You are a gift.

I love being with my boys, but I also sense a calling to go back into the workforce and teach children. Not only would we benefit financially, but I have a desire to be with and love on other's children.
When I taught in Georgia, it was challenging but incredibly rewarding as well. I often miss that. I also miss the comradery I had with the other teachers. Sharing our joys and struggles, building relationships...I really miss it. I don't know exactly when I'll head back into teaching, but I know that I will. I'm praying for God's wisdom for my answer.
I just strongly believe that we need more Christian teachers in public schools. Home schooling or private schooling is not an option for some families, and if good Christian teachers continue to back out, what will those kids be left with? I have such a passion for those families and those children.

As for the shower...AWESOME!!! You got some great stuff! :)

Brandi said...

I remember those looks. I got them often, and still do. There was always the comment, "oh, you will change your mind once the baby arrives. I am confident in my/our choice for me to continue working. As long as you are doing what God has called you to do, tell those folks to mind their own business! :)