Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

I love my Dad so incredibly much! He is one amazing husband, son, father, and friend. The thing I admire most about my dad is the love he has for His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My dad is the most gentle, humble, hardworking, family loving, gracious, generous, wise, responsible man I know! There are so many things I adore about my dad...things that he did for me, things that he continues to do, and things that have always been a part of who he is! Here are a few of the many things I love about my dad:

-He is a great advice giver
-His funny and sometimes corny jokes
-His love of History
-His love of Western movies
-His desire to take our family to every state in the U.S. so we could share his love of travel...now we all love to travel!
-His vacation planning skills...he always took us to the greatest places!!!
-His generosity
-His strong work ethic
-Always being willing to do what the "girls" wanted to do (living in a house with three women must have been hard...especially when two of them were teenagers at the same time!)
-His service to the Kingdom
-His love for Jesus
-His passion to be involved in ministry (mission trips, AWANA, church service, etc.)
-That he calls me on the phone just to see how I am
-That he tells me he is proud of me all the time
-His amazing ability to answer practically every Jeopardy question correctly
-His love for the outdoors
-For taking us camping when we were young...no wonder we love it now
-For introducing me to Mexican food (I can remember the first time he took us out for Mexican...now I can hardly go a week without it!)
-His soft, gentle voice
-His love and devotion to my mom for over 30 years of marriage
-That he gave Jon his blessing to marry me and I am so blessed to spend each day with my incredible husband and best friend
-That he and my mom blessed me with an incredible education that allowed me to get my Bachelor degree and Masters degree
-That he and my mom gave me the most beautiful wedding in the world!
-That he taught me to ride my bike without training wheels
-That he has always been sympathetic when I've needed him to be...he always has cared about my feelings
-That he believes in me
-That he took me and Kerri to school every morning from the time we were three until we went to high school
-That he took us out to breakfast before school as long as we would get ready quickly and not spend too much time on our bangs in middle school! Ha!
-That he endured me and Kerri coming to his pharmacy and hanging out every afternoon after school until my mom could pick us up when we were younger
-That he was my first official "boss" when I worked at his pharmacy in high school
-That he read and corrected countless English papers and school reports often the night before they were due!!
-That he layed on the floor in my room for countless nights when I was six years old and held my hand until I fell asleep in my bed because I was afraid to go to sleep alone
-His prayers for me everyday of my life...unknown to him there have been a few times where I've opened the door to my parents bedroom late at night only to find my dad kneeling beside the bed talking to Jesus
-His unending love for me and our family

I love you with all my heart Dad! You are a terrific Dad and I cannot wait to introduce Ansley to her Papa! Just don't let her take my place!!! May God bless you and may your next year be the best yet!


Alexis said...

karen, this was just the sweetest thing ever. your dad is absolutely one of the sweetest, nicest, godliest men i've ever met as well. so many things on your list would also be things on my own list that i would write for my dad. we're so lucky to have such amazing fathers :) i love you!

Anonymous said...

I love your dad too!!!!! Happy Birthday Papa Carson :)


The Hairstons said...

Hi Karen! I was blog-hopping and found you! That is the sweetest post ever! I now love your dad and haven't ever met him!