Thursday, February 5, 2009

Attitude Adjustment Anyone?

These days I rarely watch television, but yesterday I tuned into Oprah and I am so glad I did. I met, Monica Jorge, a woman's whose strength, attitude, and perseverance are remarkable. I wept as I listened to her remarkable story.

Just after having a c-section and giving birth to her second daughter, Monica contracted a flesh-eating bacteria (streptococcus) that can literally dissolve inches of tissue and kill internal organs in minutes. A team of surgeons took her uterus, ovaries, gall bladder, and part of her colon knowing that she would probably not survive. Later, she had to have both her arms and legs amputated. Monica has endured 37 surgeries, lost four limbs, lost several organs,and could not even hold or feed her newborn daughter without help...YET...she CHOOSES to pursue life, joy, and perseveres in spite of her circumstances. Many newspapers and shows are following her story because unlike many people who lose all of their limbs and show early signs of depression and lack the urge to fight, Monica's doctors and the hospital staff who cared for her say that she never complained, said "why me", or doubted that she could fully recover.

To watch the footage of Monica going about her day caring for her two young daughters, using her prosthetic arms to lift her baby out of the crib, spending three hours writing checks and paying bills with her prosthetic hand, and even deciding to clean her own floors (a process her friend says takes her all day) is inspiring to say the least. Yes, Monica admits to having hard times and getting frustrated on occasion but it is truly incredible to hear her talk and know that on a daily (often minute by minute) basis she is choosing to be a press be her best.

I know there are other "Monica's" out there. However, I love this story. I needed to hear this story. I hope there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Monica. When asked where her strength came from, Monica said she believes that there is a God but that her strength comes from her family and friends. A woman who I am guessing does not even know Jesus personally chooses to have this strength? Can you imagine the power we have on our side as believers in Jesus Christ? Incredible. So, when you get out of bed, cradle your newborn baby, brush your teeth, drive to work, scratch an itch, feed yourself, or walk your dog...remember what you can do instead of what you cannot do...remember the blessings in your life. I'm certainly trying to.

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