Friday, June 25, 2010

Discipline Direction??

Calling all my mommy friends...can any of you recommend good books on disciplining and training a toddler (particularly age 1-2)? I would like books that are very practical and explicit. Jon and I are considering a Growing Kids God's Way small group this fall but we are trying to unify and come up with a solid, intentional plan for training this little lady in our lives who is definitely understanding right from wrong already! I've never been down this road before although I am very used to re-training five year olds (ha!) so any advice would be awesome! :)


The Greenfields said...

i've had a really hard time finding a good strategy for this age time frame as well.

i have heard GREAT things about "shepherding a child's heart" but haven't read it yet.

i have read "dare to discipline", "secrets of baby whisperer for toddlers", "toddlerwise", "1,2,3 magic", "parenting with love and logic" i have pulled things from all these books but realized the MOST important thing is learning Noah and how he works.

For example, Noah does really well taking a time out when he is starting to melt down. he needs that time to regroup. He gets it together VERY quickly when left alone. When he was ansley's age, i put him in his crib to do this. Now he sits in a corner.

we chose 2 or 3 things that are spanking offenses but didn't start this until closer to 22 months or so. we use a wooden spoon on the back of his leg.

the child development expert we are friends with said that the best form of correction at this young age (ansley's age that is) is redirection. looking them in the eye, giving a firm no and moving them away from whatever it is. we found (and still find) this effective with noah. yes it takes energy and sometimes you'll be tired and not want to but we have to stay so consistent with noah or he picks up we are slacking.

you are a great mama! it's such a fun stage but definitely challenging at the same time!!

The Hairstons said...

Toddlerwise! I need to read it again too!