Friday, June 25, 2010

Little Parrot

You are becoming quite the little copycat! You talk all the time and it seems everyday you are learning a new word. It seems you just hear what we say and then you say it or you see what we do and then you do it. We have been home from Georgia just three days and you have already learned five new words! It definitely is nice to know your needs and not have to guess what you want. I just adore watching you soak up life these days and I have to write it down because I am so scared I will forget your little quirks that crack me up!
~ You have been sitting on the potty at least once a day lately and I have been saying "pee pee" when you go in the potty. Now, anytime you see a toilet, you point and say "pee pee"!
~ You love Gerber cheese puffs and sometimes Daddy will put one in his mouth and you will lean forward in your highchair and bite off the other half and just cackle! If you want more, you will point to the container and softly say "puff"...your cute little voice is hard to resist and I usually cave in and give you some more :)
~ You love to go outside and you will stand by the door and try to reach up and turn the doorknob. If you don't get your way, you will have a little tantrum by the door. You point outside and say "bye bye". You love to go places...certainly not a home-body!
~Whenever Daddy or I brush our hair or our teeth, you want to get your brush or toothbrush and copy us!
~When I read a magazine or the Bible, you will say "book" and run off to get your books out of your book basket.
~You are a true Babywise baby because you definitely have the Sleep-Eat-Play routine down pat! It's really funny. Now, when we go in your room in the morning or after a nap, you pop up and immediately start saying "eat, eat, eat"!
~When the credits start rolling at the end of Praise Baby, you will start saying "bye-bye" and I immediately know it's over *sigh*
Thanks for making us laugh little one! We love you!

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