Monday, December 15, 2008

Polar Express, Pajama, and Parade Day!!!

On Friday, my class enjoyed a special day. It's always one of my favorite days of the year! Each year in kindergarten, we study the Polar Express/Transportation all week participating in math, reading, social studies, and science activities that coorelate and then we celebrate with a Polar Express/Pajama Day on Friday. We wear PJ's to school since the kids in the movie wear PJ's on the train ride. We spent the day enjoying the movie together with all the other kindergarten classes, sipping hot cocoa (yum!) and then enjoying the school Christmas parade that afternoon! The parade celebrated reading and all the students who met their reading goal for the semester got to particpate by marching in the parade. The high school marching band, cheerleaders, and dance team came for the festivities and the kids got to see that with hard work they can one day be in high school and maybe even be a cheerleader, band member, or dance team member! The highlight of the event was Santa...who kicked off the parade on his motorcycle! The kids had a wonderful time as we celebrated together! I just love these kids and am so thankful for the opportunity to serve and minister here everyday!


Brandi said...

This looks like a super fun day at school. I don't remember getting to do things like this when I was in school.

annieck said...

Oh how I miss those days! I definitely think I'll be teaching again one day. There are so many things I miss. :)