Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Baby Shower

On Monday, we were blessed to receive a baby shower from Jon's family. Jon's mom (Elaine) and sister (Rachel) hosted the shower and all of the women in Jon's family were invited. It was wonderful to see Jon's aunts, grandmother, and cousins! The decorations were beautiful and the food was delicious. We also enjoyed playing a few games. In one game, we each wore a pacifier necklace. If we said "baby" or "cute" at anytime during the shower (believe me this is VERY difficult not to do at a baby shower!) we got our necklace taken away by the person who "caught" us saying it. Aunt Sharon won the game with 5 necklaces! The other game was Baby Bingo. We each filled out bingo cards with the things we thought I might receive as gifts (bibs, pacifiers, dresses, high chair, etc.). Whenever I would open a gift, if a person had it on their card they got to mark it. Jenny got BINGO first and won the game! We were blessed with so many beautiful baby items, clothes, our high chair, baby monitor, diapers, wipes, baby gear, pack 'n play, etc.!!! Thank you to our sweet family...your thoughtfulness means more than you know. Thank you, Rachel and Elaine, for making the shower so memorable. We are amazed by the generosity of our loved ones.

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