Sunday, October 12, 2008


This fall we have really enjoyed reconnecting with family and friends! We welcomed Jon's twin sister, Rachel, her husband, Nathan, and their sweet baby boy, Noah, back to the states just a few weeks ago. We loved meeting our nephew for the first time. I also enjoyed a girls weekend with friends from college. We were all in teacher education together and still enjoy spending time together laughing, remembering fun times in college, and sharing what's going on in our lives now that we are teaching, married, and having families. Jon and I recently traveled to the college (where we both went to school and met) for Homecoming. We had a great time hanging out with friends over dinner, sharing old memories, and making new ones! Here are some pictures of our sweet times with friends and family!

Enjoying time with nephew, Noah!

Girls Weekend

Homecoming '08

1 comment:

Nathan and Rachel Greenfield said...

aw those are good pictures. i am so glad we've been able to bring noah to bham to spend lots of time with uncle jon and aunt kaykay