Monday, July 5, 2010

Excerpts from Ch. 1-Imagine

*Please read my former posts beginning with, Insights from a novice, before reading this post. All quotes are taken from the book, Launching Your Kids For Life, by Reccord.*

Imagine you aren't someone who has read this book (this may not be hard to do because you likely haven't if you are reading these excerpts!) but someone who has been affected by this book. If you peaked into their life and saw how they are seeking to instill the value of living an "on mission" lifestyle with their children here are some things you might take note of...

-The family talks about God out matter who is in their home.
-When the family have guests in their home, they talk about God as if He's a party if He's someone they know.
-The kids talk about God and about talking to talking to you!
-The family has "intentionally and deliberately taught their kids to put God first and to demonstrate to others that this is how they live."
-The family finds ways to weave living "on mission" into their day-to-day lives.
-Whenever they have guests in their home, they think about what they can use to tell the gospel that fits in with a party atmosphere and what people they need to make sure are invited so they can hear it!

Personally, I want to raise our children to be so comfortable with their faith that they can articulate it to family members, to our co-workers whom we hang out with, to kids at school or to our next door neighbors.

What does it take?
1. A special effort
2. A plan put into action
3. Specific ideas (that are in the book, LYKFL)

Next post, excerpts from Ch.2, "Triumph and Tragedy" by Reccord

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