Monday, May 10, 2010


We enjoy celebrating birthdays in our family! One thing we really love to do is set aside a special time to share with the "birthday honoree" what we love and appreciate about them on their birthday. On their birthday, we are celebrating who they are in Christ, who He is calling them out to be in the next year, and rejoicing in the ways He has blessed them during the past year of their life. We set aside this special day and we celebrate as unto the Lord, who is the Giver of Life!

Today, I celebrate my amazing husband's 29 years of life! Happy Birthday, Jon! I know that even before you were conceived, God had a special purpose for you (as He does for all of us)! As we celebrate you today, we are so thankful for the wonderful husband and father that you are to Ansley and I. I am also so thrilled at the person you are in Christ. Your heart beats for him, your decisions reflect His wisdom, and your attitude and outlook on life demonstrate the passion you have for the Kingdom. I believe you will be called into a greater capacity at your workplace to minister to those in need, both physically and spiritually, this next year. I also believe that we will see God's kingdom advance in our home as you lead Ansley and I in all that He has for our family. I believe you will lead us as we parent Ansley in our home and as we seek to correct, discipline and train her. I thank God for the grace and peace He gave you this year to stay at home, to care for Ansley and to look for a job. I rejoice in His provision as He blessed you with a job you love and find purpose in. I celebrate the amazing job you have done as you have stepped into the role of "fatherhood" with gusto and graciousness! Together, we are raising a princess for God's kingdom. You make our home safe, our future secure, and push us to higher heights! You are one amazing man and I love you! Happy Birthday!

I would also like to give a "shoutout" to Miss Ansley who is 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day old today!!! I do not actually keep up with this...I just noticed it on her birthday ticker on the side of the blog!

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