Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ansley's 4-D Photo Shoot

We had a 4-D ultrasound of Ansley a few weeks ago. If any of you have never had a 4-D or seen pictures from one, don't fear the bumpiness and fuzzyness is normal and is not a true depiction of her skin! Due to fluid and such, they did not turn out nearly as clear as we had hoped. However, she is perfectly normal, healthy, and was adorable on the ultrasound as she sucked her thumb, rubbed her eyes, opened one eye, and even gave us a little smile. The nurse said every part of her body measured exactly what it should be measuring and that it was indicating that she weighed about 3 lbs. Enjoy the pictures!! We can't wait to see her in person!!

1 comment:

The Greenfields said...

she looks like jonathan to me. i wish i could have gotten one of those- that is so cool.