Monday, October 27, 2008

Our baby is going to have twin friends!

I am so excited that I could not help but blog about some big news shared with me today. My closest friend at school is pregnant with TWINS!!! It's such a blessing from God for her and her husband. There are now a total of five teachers pregnant at my school and we are enjoying the journey together. All of us are having babies between February and June. It's so fun to share stories and advice with one another. :) My friend's twins are due in June so we are looking forward to having the summer off to enjoy play dates together...if she has time that is!!! Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the blessing of having wonderful friends to enjoy this special time of life with!


annieck said...

That is SO awesome! There's nothing like going through pregnancy with a close friend. It is truly a blessing. :)

Brandi said...

Yeah!!! HC is so excited to have another little girl to play with. We are so excited for you guys.

annieck said...

LOVE your new header!!! Ya'll are SO prepared!
We are more than thrilled about your news and can't wait to meet that sweet baby girl!!!
Love you guys!